- Trend Micro Uninstall
- Trend Micro Uninstaller Windows 10
- Trend Micro Security Uninstaller Mac Download Windows 10
- Software Uninstaller Mac
Wait for the uninstall tool to finish the installation, then click OK. Click Uninstall Software. Enter the captcha characters, then click Continue. Click Uninstall. Click Yes when prompted to restart your computer. After your computer restarts, your Trend Micro Security will be successfully removed. Run the installer file again to start the. Using the tool, you can save time and uninstall Trend Micro Antivirus on your Mac using its native uninstaller. For this, open the Trend Micro folder in the Applications folder → double-click Uninstall Trend Micro Antivirus.app → confirm the action by clicking on Uninstall. Trend Micro Antivirus is a powerful malware detection tool that works to boost your Mac's efficiency in identifying and blocking unwanted software and intrusive processes.
Applies to on-premise Deep Security software installations only
When you manually uninstall an activated agent/ relay from a computer, the computer doesn't notify Deep Security Manager that the software has been uninstalled. On Computers, the computer's status will be 'Managed (Offline)' or similar, depending on the context. To avoid this, on Deep Security Manager, either:
- Deactivate the agent or relay before you uninstall it, or
- Delete the computer from the list after you uninstall
In this article:
Uninstall Deep Security Relay
A Deep Security Relay is an agent where you have enabled the relay feature, so in order to remove the relay, you must uninstall the agent software.
Uninstall a relay (Windows)
From the Windows Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs. Double-click Trend Micro Deep Security Agent, and click Remove.
Alternatively, you can uninstall from the command line:
msiexec /x <package name including extension>
For a silent uninstall, add /quiet.
Uninstall a relay (Linux)
To completely remove the relay and any configuration files it created on a platform that uses the Red Hat package manager (rpm), such as CentOS, Amazon Linux, Oracle Linux, SUSE, or Cloud Linux, enter the command:
# sudo rpm -ev ds_agent
Stopping ds_agent: [ OK ]
Unloading dsa_filter module [ OK ]
If iptables was enabled prior to the installation of the relay-enabled agent, it will be re-enabled when the relay-enabled agent is uninstalled.
Uninstall Deep Security Agent
Uninstall an agent (Windows)
From the Windows Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs. Double-click Trend Micro Deep Security Agent, and click Remove.
Alternatively, you can uninstall from the command line:
msiexec /x <package name including extension>
For a silent uninstall, add /quiet.
Uninstall an agent (Linux)
To completely remove the agent and any configuration files it created on a platform that uses the Red Hat package manager (rpm), such as CentOS, Amazon Linux, Oracle Linux, SUSE, or Cloud Linux, enter the command:
# sudo rpm -ev ds_agent
Stopping ds_agent: [ OK ]
Unloading dsa_filter module [ OK ]
If iptables was enabled prior to installing Deep Security Agent, it will be re-enabled when the agent is uninstalled.
If the platform uses Debian package manager (dpkg), such as Debian and Ubuntu, enter the command:
$ sudo dpkg -r ds-agent
Removing ds-agent...
Stopping ds_agent: .[OK]
Uninstall an agent (Solaris 10)
Enter the command:
pkgrm ds-agent
(Note that uninstall may require a reboot.)
Uninstall an agent (Solaris 11)
Trend Micro Uninstall
Enter the command:
pkg uninstall ds-agent
Uninstall may require a reboot.
Uninstall an agent (AIX)
Enter the command:
installp -u ds_agent
Uninstall an agent (HP-UX)
Enter the command:
swremove ds_agent
Uninstall Deep Security Notifier
From the Windows Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs. Double-click Trend Micro Deep Security Notifier, and click Remove.
To uninstall from the command line:
msiexec /x <package name including extension>
For a silent uninstall, add /quiet.
Uninstall Deep Security Manager
Uninstall the manager (Windows)
From the Windows Start Menu, go to Trend Micro > Trend Micro Deep Security Manager Uninstaller, and follow the wizard steps to complete the uninstallation.
To initiate the same Windows GUI uninstall procedure from the command line, go to the installation folder and enter:
<installation folder>Uninstall.exe
For a silent uninstall from the command line (without the Windows GUI prompts), add -q.
<installation folder>Uninstall.exe -q
During a silent uninstall via command line, the configuration files are kept so that if you re-install in future, the installer repairs or upgrades using existing settings, without asking you to input them again.
Uninstall the manager (Linux)
To uninstall via command line, go to the installation folder and enter:
sudo ./uninstall
For a silent uninstall, add -q .
During a silent uninstall via command line, by default, the configuration files are kept so that if you re-install in future, the installer repairs upgrades using existing settings, without asking you to input them again.
If you selected not to keep the configuration files during the uninstallation, and you later want to reinstall Deep Security Manager, you should perform a manual clean-up before reinstalling. To remove the Deep Security Manager installation directory enter the command:
sudo rm -rf <installation location>
The default installation location is /opt/dsm.
Follow the below installation instructions to activate Trend Micro on your PC, Mac, Android™ or iOS device:
Download the Maximum Security installer:
For PC:
TREND MICRO ANTIVIRUS FOR MACOnce downloaded, double click the installer to get started and follow the installation steps.
When prompted, enter your serial number to activate the software
Trend Micro Uninstaller Windows 10
For Windows 10 in S mode:
Click Here
For Chromebook:
Click Here
Android™ Installation Instructions:
Using your Android™ device, go to the Google Play Store and install the Trend Micro “Mobile Security & Antivirus” app.
Once installed, open the app and follow the installation steps. When prompted for an activation code, enter your serial number to activate the app
Trend Micro Security Uninstaller Mac Download Windows 10
iOS (iPhone, iPad) Installation Instructions:
For activation instructions, go to: www.trendmicro.com.au/ios
Software Uninstaller Mac
Note: if you experience difficulties while installing and activating the software, please visit www.trendmicro.com.au/support